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The U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) continues its efforts to support American workers and position the economy for a strong rebound. The USDOL is hosting a national online dialogue to solicit ideas about challenges that may be faced as businesses reopen and how best to help employers and workers reopen America's workplaces safely.
We want to hear from you—America's employers and workers. Join your fellow citizens and share your best ideas about (1) reopening businesses, (2) commuting safely, (3) working safely, (4) accommodating members of vulnerable populations, (5) supporting America's families, and (6) reducing regulatory burdens. Thank you for your interest - the dialogue is now closed!
Click on the appropriate box below to submit your ideas, comments, and votes.
Reopening Businesses
Please share your ideas about what employers and workers can do to reopen America's workplaces safely.
Number of Ideas: 250
Commuting Safely
Please share your ideas about what employers and workers can do to keep commuters safe.
Please share your ideas about what employers and workers can do to accommodate members of vulnerable populations.
Number of Ideas: 59
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Please share your ideas about what employers can do to provide workers with the flexibility they need to balance work and family caregiving responsibilities.
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Reducing Regulatory Burdens
Please share your ideas about ways the U.S. Department of Labor can reduce regulatory burdens in order to more quickly open America's workplaces safely, keep them open, and allow them to thrive.
Number of Ideas: 32
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*This online dialogue is hosted by ePolicyWorks, an initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy.
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